The Romoff Voice Studio seeks to serve a diverse population of students, offering professional, high quality, and honest instruction. The purpose of vocal training is to uncover and amplify your own individual sound. Each student can expect to be treated respectfully, as an individual, with focus on their unique goals.
The main studio is conveniently located in the heart of the Mead School District, near Midway Elementary. There are limited openings at our satellite studio location on the South Hill, near Ferris High School. The main studio is equipped with a Yamaha Clavinova CSP-170 and a workstation with LogicPro and other music tech resources.
Private voice students will have access to a wide range of opportunities, including local festivals and adjudications, including those sponsored by NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) and MTNA (Music Teachers National Association). School Age students may choose to prepare for Solo & Ensemble, Thespian conference and other school sponsored activities as part of their lesson studies. Also, for the first time, Cynthia will be offering preparation for the Royal College of Music examinations for students interested in a more structured program. RCM is an internationally recognized program that provides excellent preparation for college-bound students and homeschool students looking for a defined curriculum.
In addition to private voice, The Romoff Studio will be offering a number of community friendly opportunities for preschool music, homeschool students, and a lullabye drop-in class for new parents and guardians. To learn more about these opportunities, please contact us to be notified as dates and locations are confirmed.